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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Out into the Deep Luke 5: 4

click to Read the passage: Luke 5  (a new browser window will open)

(Launch out into the deep,)

1. There is a provision of God for the needs of His own that only God knows 

2. God is willing to reveal to His servants the superiority of His supply for the
needs of His servants.

3. The abundant and generous supply of God is not available in man’s
shops and merchandising centers.

4. The abundant and generous supply of God comes to the believer in the
same channel as does salvation- through grace.
The believer is not required to put up exchange mammon.

5. The place of God’s provision is truly very deep; deep in terms of capacity,
but deep in terms of required access through faith.

6. God is the custodian of the deep- the depth of His love, the depth of His
wisdom and riches.
i. e. Rom. 8: 39,  11:33;   Eph 3: 17-19

7. The true riches of God are boundless and limitless, and available through
the reaches of faith and surrender to Christ.

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