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Saturday, May 29, 2021

The Believer's Common Need 2 Thessalonians 3: 2-5

Read the passage 2 Thessalonians 3

v.21.To be delivered from men that have no intention for faith.
(And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men:  for all men have not faith.)

v.22.To avoid entrapment by those of wicked imagination.
(And that we may be delivered from unreasonable men: ...)

v.33.To be firmly established in truth.
(But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you,)

v.34.To be guarded from evil.
(and keep you from evil.)

v.45.To honor (keep) the commands taught of God.
(...that ye both do and will do the things which we command you.)

v.56.To love God more dearly.
(And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God,)

v.57.To faithfully look for Christ's coming.
(and into the patient waiting for Christ.)

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Proper Spiritual Demeanor 2 Peter 2: 11

Read the passage 2 Peter 2

(Whereas angels, who are greater in power and might, bring not railing
  accusation against them before the Lord.)

1. Don't presume on God allowed authority.
Be careful with the bride.

2. Don't presume on God given spiritual graces.

3. Don't try to superimpose spiritual power over human power.
One trying to make it happen. One forces spiritual conformity and spiritual 
change. It doesn’t work.

4. Don't complain, but exercise steadfast faith.
When the corrupt rail against the just.

5. Don't give up; endure with God's grace.

6. Fear God who alone is the judge of all.
Our defense is from God.

7. Submit to God in everything.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Pressing Admonitions 2 Peter 3: 11, 14

Read the passage 2 Peter 2

(Seeing, then, that all these things shall be dissolved, what manne rof persons ought ye to be)

v.11 1.Holy in living.
(in all holy living)
Inasmuch as the period of time preceding the second coming is not identified, the emphasis is upon how we live. We are to give testimony unto the doctrine for which we await its fulfilment.
Our hope must not seek to be sustained in this world, but in Christ and His sure word.

(and godliness,)
The error of our day in seeking to bring Godliness upon earth by man's hand takes away the blessed hope of the glory to come.
Thus, the emphasis that man will improve the earth, and save it or its occupants, even for such a worthy intention as Christ, takes the hearts focus off of Christ's return.  The result is believer's end up loving this life, rather than having hope for heaven.

v.14 3.Spiritually attentive.
(Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things,)

4.Spiritual diligence.
(be diligent)
Spiritual preparation.

5.At peace.
(that ye may be found of Him in peace.)

6.Pure hearted.
(without spot,)
1 Peter 1: 19; 2 Peter 2: 13; James 1: 27

v.14 7.Clear conscience.
(and blameless.) Jude 24

One senses something of the finality and sobriety of the prophetic promises that requires a stern holy response. Such an awesome coming calamity evokes serious minded faith and living.

Our life and style of living is to reflect our belief in His return, the certainty of it, the unique judgment of it.

The Christians’ hope is not based on this world.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Protected 2 Peter 2: 9

Read the passage 2 Peter 2

(The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations,)

1.A believer is adequately safeguarded (protected) from sin.

2.The Holy Spirit is actively faithful on a believer's behalf.
John 14: 16-18,26

3.God's faithfulness is overriden by the lust of the flesh.
The painful portion that must be included.

4.Believers have to be careless to get into sin.

5.A believer troubled with temptation should increase his sensitivity (to God's spirit); God will protect .

6.To be entrapped by temptation to test God's deliverance is unwise.
Psalms 145: 8-12- God’s mercy.  Jeremiah 17: 10; Psalms 26: 2;  Hebrews 4: 12
God knows every sin, every thought, and overlooks none, nor ignores but presses on contributing causes in/from the heart. A believer may not be able to identify God’s work regarding each and every specific sin in his/her life, but God is aware of every transgression. In His wisdom and timing and ways God deals with the believer’s heart.

When an erring child of God confesses his sin and so honors the cross through his own repentant heart, there is restoration from the Lord (I John 1: 9) ; he then has restored sensitivity to God, a desire for holiness, and returns to the side of Christ for more from Christ.

7.Attentiveness to God will keep a heart in right .

Saturday, May 15, 2021

The Continued Message Needed Joshua 4: 22-24

Read the passage Joshua 4

From generation to generation:
v.22 1. Every generation of God’s people need to know the hope that is their’s
through their God they love and serve.
(Then ye shall let your children know, saying, Israel came over this Jordan 
on dry land.)

v.23 2. Every generation of God’s people need to know that God’s power has
not diminished.

v.24 3. Every generation of God’s people need to fear God.
(that ye might fear the Lord your God forever.)

v.24 4. The need of every generation is for the people of the earth to personally
know God; God’s people are a witness to God’s presence.
(That all the people of the earth might know the hand of the Lord,)

v.24 5. All the people of the earth are to know that God is a mighty God, to be 
held in fear and reverence by all men.
(that it is mighty, …)

v.24 6. The need for telling of God’s redeeming love is a need until all the earth
has heard the message.
(That all the people of the earth might know the hand of the Lord,)
Matt. 24: 14-And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the
  world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.)

v.24 7. God uses the judgment of nations to reveal the accountability of man to
God for his sin, to which man will either repent and seek God’s forgiveness
or he will face God’s eternal judgment.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The Requirement of a Disciplined Life 2 Peter 1: 8-11

Read the passage 2 Peter 1

v.8 1.The abiding virtues of Christ will bear fruit in your life.
(For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful)

v.8 2.The disciplines of character will increase your spiritual capacities for Christ likeness.
(in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.)

v.9 3.The ignoring of the virtues of Christ will cause spiritual blindness and loss of joy.
(But he that lacketh those things is blind and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten …)

v.10 4.The commitment of your Christian life is to be proven and shown forth.
(Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure,)

v.10 5.The disciplines of your own faith assures your own heart before God.
(Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure,)

v.10 6.The disciplines of the flesh become a protection against error.
(for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.)

v.11 7.The disciplined life keeps the door of God's opportunity, blessing, and reward, open, extending into eternity.
(For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.)

Saturday, May 8, 2021

To Whom I Owe It All 1 Corinthians 1: 30

Read the passage 1 Corinthians 1

1.Any wisdom I possess, Jesus gave it.
(Who of God is made unto us wisdom,)

2.Any work of righteousness in my life, Jesus authored it.
(and righteousness,)

3.Any work of righteousness from my life, Jesus empowered it.
(and righteousness,)

4.Any devotion of separation in my life, is in obedience to Christ.
(and sanctification,)

5.Any Godly increase in my life, Jesus brings it.
(and sanctification,)

6.Any resistance of sin I put forth, Jesus gave the strength and knowledge for it.
(and redemption;)

7.Any hope I have for heaven, Jesus is the reason for it.
(and redemption;)

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Ministering to Your Own Children Matthew 18: 1-6 +

Read the passage Matthew 18
Read the passage Mark 10

18: 1. Note the importance of the responsibility.
1,2 See how Jesus views children.

v.3 2. Note the work toward conversion first.

v.4 3. Keep the heart humble.

v.5 4. Receive them into your heart as God’s gift.

v.5 5. Love them fully.

v.6 6. Build up their faith, don’t discourage it.

19: 7. Pray for them.
13 Learn your children’s needs so you may pray for them more effectively.

v.14 8. Direct the heart of the child to Jesus.

Mark 10: 15
9. Keep their heart teachable.
Aware of the kingdom of God.

v.16 10. Bless them.   Joseph had Israel, his father, bless his sons.

Some observations:
The aim is at the heart, not the head.
You are not giving out information but shaping a life.

All you teach must have application.
Learning is the objective, not completing a subject or story.
If there is a disruption, that may need to be the focus of the lesson.

Kids really need to be related to where they are experiencing something.
Teach them right where they are having a problem.
Answer their questions, either by anticipation or solicitation.

The role of the teacher-It is not the material, but the life.
                            If God is at work in your life, you have material.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Spiritually Sensitive Acts 15: 28, 29

Read the passage: Acts 15

as pictured here:

The course of the gospel:

v.28 1. Understand the need for unity of heart.
(For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater
  burden than these necessary things:)

v.29 2. Avoid even the appearance of evil.
(That ye abstain from things offered to idols,)

v.29 3. Acknowledge the necessity of the blood atonement pictured.
(and from blood,

v.29 4. Be sensitive so as to not cause another to stumble.
(That ye abstain ...)

v.29 5. Be pure hearted.
(and from fornication.)

v.29 6. Present a testimony of clear separation from worldliness.

v.29 7. Have spotless affection toward God.
(if ye keep yourselves, ...)