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Saturday, September 29, 2018

To Know God and His Word psalm 119 133

Read the passage: Psalms  119

(Order my steps in thy word;)
  1. Seek to know God- to fellowship with Him.

  2. Honor the integrity of God- seek Him with a pure heart.

  3. Be committed to upholding the integrity of God's truth.

  4. Seek to know God's understanding in specific matters.

  5. Recognize God's word will be challenged by one's own search for faith; by other believer's, 
    certainly by the enemy, the devil, and by the world and its thinking.

  6. Abide in, continue in God's specific instruction. Rely upon God's word. 
    Allow the vision of God's word to be your inspiration.
    Allow the affirmation of God's word to be your assurance.
    Allow the accompaniment of God's word to be your comfort.

  7. Rely upon, wait upon, God's fulfilment.
    Abide in, continue in God's strength.
    Abide in, continue in thanksgiving and praise. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Barriers to Faith John 11 39

Read the passage: John 11

(Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days.)
  1. What the natural mind tells you.

  2. What the natural eye tells you.

  3. What past experience tells you. --from a natural man perspective. 
    Unless past experience is spiritual experience, then it is edifying.

  4. Where the valve of faith is turned off.

  5. Where emotion takes you.

  6. Where hope is without spiritual life.
    Hope can just be human hope, not centered and founded in Jesus.

  7. Where the presence of Jesus is perceived apart from the power of Jesus.
     Jesus in power present. 

Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Wide Open Door of Prayer Luke 11 9, 10

Read the passage: Luke 11

(And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.)(For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.)
  1. Ask is a mighty big privilege given by the God of all.

  2. Ask is a mighty big boundary within which to walk.

  3. Receiving is a mighty certain promise from the God over all.

  4. Seeking is a mighty big honor given to a believer who has nothing and can bring nothing into the equation with a holy God.

  5. Finding is a mighty big reason to explore this vast land of promise God has placed a believer in.
    2 Peter 1: 3, 4

  6. Knock is a mighty big extension of opportunity to glorify Christ.

  7. God seemingly does not impose a small restraining place where the believer must abide; to the contrary the believer abides in Christ in whom there is no limit nor limitation. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Precious Ointment of Unity Psalms 133 2

Read the passage: Psalms 133

(It is like the precious ointment...)
  1. It is of great value.

  2. It is of costly origin.

  3. It is of protective benefit.
    It kept the skin from drying out.

  4. It is a picture of consecration.

  5. It is an expression of love and favor.

  6. It is an evidence of a loving relationship.

  7. It is to be considered precious. 

Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Kind of Man God Uses Joshua 14 8-14

Read the passage: Joshua 14

v.8           1.      One who gives all his heart to the Lord.
         (Nevertheless my brethren that went up with me made the heart of the 
         people melt: but I wholly followed the Lord my God.)
v.8         2.  One who does not follow the crowd of those indifferent to truth.
         (Nevertheless my brethren, who went up with me made the heart of the
           people melt;)

v.9        3.  One who just believes what God says.
         (And Moses swore on that day, saying, Surely the land whereon thy feet
         have trodden shall be thine inheritance, and thy children’s for ever,
           because thou hast wholly followed the Lord my God)

v.10, 4.  One who draws his strength from the Lord.
     11  (And now, behold, the Lord hath kept me alive, as He said, these forty and
   five years, even since the Lord spoke this word unto Moses, while the 
 children of Israel wandered in the wilderness: and no, lo, I am this day 
 fourscore and five years old.)

v.12        5. One who never turns loose of God’s promises.
        (Now therefore give me this mountain, whereof the Lord spoke in that day; )

v.12        6. One who counts God bigger than the enemy.
                        (for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the 
cities were great and fenced: if so be the Lord will be with me, then I shall 
be able to drive them out, as the Lord said.)

v.13, 7. One who counts God faithful above all else.
   14         (And Joshua blessed him, and gave unto Caleb the son of Jephunneh
          Hebron for an inheritance.)
        (Hebron therefore became the inheritance of Caleb the son of Jephunneh
        the Kenezite unto this day, because that he wholly followed the Lord God 
        of Israel.)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Challenge Genesis 32 24-49

Read the passage: Genesis 32

v.27 1.The servant who wants to go on with God will meet God alone.
(And Jacob was left alone;)

v.24 2.There will be a personal confrontation with God.
(and there wrestled a man with him)There will be a personal encounter.

v.24 3.There will be a personal wrestling.
(and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.)

v.25 4.There will be a personal touch from God.
(He touched the hollow of his thigh; …)

v.27 5.There will be a personal interview.
(What is thy name?)

v.28 6.There will be a personal change.
(And He said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel:)

v.29 7.There will be a personal convincing of who God is.
(And He said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name?)
When there is a wrestling in our life, that is a sign of a need to be reconciled to God and to His
         will and plan in our  life.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Faith's Attachment-Equitable Living Malachi 2 1-10

Read the passage: Malachi 2

v. 1 1) Until God’s report is heard, any accolade or grade presumed is premature.
Seek God’s approving

v.2 2) Live out your calling- to give God glory.

v.2 3) Be quick to yield to repentance.
Don’t debate with God, defend your action (make excuses) or delay obedience to God.
Repentance is a response of faith toward God
Repent and renew the commitment of your heart to God.

v. 3 4) Protect the future of future Godly seed.

v.4 5) Look for God’s dispatched word in your time of need.

v. 5 6) Abide (continue) in covenant relationship with God.
Fear God’s name. Know God’s issued change in your life.
Trust God. He will keep His word.

v. 6, 7) Guard your speech from error.
    7 Walk in peace and equity.
Lead those in error out of deception by the pathway of truth.
Realize you are a messenger of truth to others.

v, 8 8) You believe there is only one way; continually follow that one way.
Ye are not born of the law. Don’t attempt to lead by the law; don’t impose the law upon
To deny or reject grace is to impose rule by law.
Works do not substitute for grace.

v. 9 9) Increased effort is not what gains God’s favor; following God’s way gains God’s favor.
Follow equal standards with God.
Respect God’s view of equity.

v. 10 10) Value brotherly relationships- Contribute brotherly love.
No partiality. God is not a respector of persons.
No double standards. No division.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Jesus, the Solution for Man's Needs Mark 6 34-44

Read the passage: Mark 6

v.34        1. Jesus is the one recognizing the need of ministry.
Man cannot see anything Jesus has not already seen. See what Jesus sees.

v.35         2. Jesus is not limited by circumstances.
Man is if he is not trusting Jesus.

v.35, 3. Jesus does not need the instruction nor counsel of man.
 36 Man needs the instruction and counsel of God.

v.37, 4. Jesus has a solution for man’s needs. Jesus is the solution. He is sufficient.
  38 God’s child is to give a report of faith (in Jesus) not of circumstances.
God doesn’t reject man because man is vain and presumptuous.

v.39         5. Jesus’ solution will always be orderly and will fit.
When a believer is obeying the instruction of Jesus there will be order and fit.

v.41         6. Jesus wants to bless what we have before He gives us more. 
                (recognizes His Father’s authority)
Thus, we need to seek his blessings on what He has given. 
                (recognize His (Jesus') authority).
Jesus does want to give abundantly more !

v.42- 7. Jesus perfectly and completely satisfies all the need of all. He saw according   
44 to His resources and His perfect timing.
God’s child is to receive the grace of Jesus given.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

So Great a Charge Luke 22 54-62

Read the passage: Luke 22

When you belong to Christ and desire to be a servant:

v.54         1. You cannot get too far off.
(And Peter followed afar off.)

v.55, 2. You cannot be comfortable around ones who persecute Jesus.
  56 (…Peter sat down among them.) (But a certain maid …)

v.58         3. You cannot undo His influence in your life.
(Thou art also of them)

v.59, 4. You cannot truly deny Him.
  60 (…this fellow also was with Him; …Man, I know not what thou sayest.)

v.60         5. You cannot truly turn from Him.
(And immediately, while he yet spoke, the cock crowed.)

v.61        6. You cannot get over Jesus.
(and the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter.) ( And Peter remembered …)

v.62        7. You cannot but truly love Jesus.
(And Peter went out, and wept bitterly.)