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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Gods Commitment Psalms 52: 9

click to Read the passage: Psalms 52  (a new browser window will open)

(I will praise thee for ever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy
name; for it is good before thy saints.)

1. It is done when God reveals it to the believer.

2. It is done when God declares it as available to a believer’s reach of faith.
Jesus is the author of a believer’s faith.

3. It is done before the uprising of the enemy’s opposition.
The enemy has no foreknowledge of God’s works.

4. It is done before the actions of misguided men take place.

5. It is done before uncertainty and doubts arrive.

6. It is done whether acknowledgment and cooperation is given.

7. It is done because God is true to His word which He has willingly declared.

8. It is done because God knows no limitation, nor has any oppostion to His

9. It is done because God has declared it so and is pleased to do it.

10. It is done and cannot be altered by men.
PSALMS 89: 34- God’s commitment; 
God could change His mind, (i.e. Gen 6: 6) and as in dealing with Israel 
when they rebelled.  Ex. 32: 14

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