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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

A Rejoicing Spirit Luke 1: 46-50

Read the passage Luke 1

v.46 1. The Holy Spirit magnifies Christ to and in the heart of the believer.
(My soul doth magnify the Lord.)

v.48 2. God brings unparalleled blessing to the heart of the believer, allowing
the believer to fit into God’s divine plan and purpose.
(For He hath regarded the low estate of His handmaiden:)

v.49 3. God’s might is displayed in the life of the believer.
(For He that is mighty hast done to me great things;)

v.49 4. God carries out in the life of his servant that which can only be described
in God’s terms as great.
(hast done to me great things;)

v.49 5. The powerful display of Christ in the  believer’s life is with equally powerful
awareness of His divine holiness.
(and holy is His name.)

v.50 6. The heritage of God’s mercy is without compare, truly a needed and
wonderful blessing.
(And His mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation.)

v.47 7. The heart of the believer cannot help but truly rejoice in the presence of 
Jesus for who He is and then for what He has done.
(And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.)

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