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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Surely There is a Greater Plan of God Judges 14-16

click to Read the passage: Judges 14  (a new browser window will open)
1. God always sees much more than man sees.

2. God eyes His will and plan and never takes his eye off of His will and plan.

3. It is a further validated truth that God never takes his eye off of His people

4. The servant(s) of God may understand some little measure of God’s plan,
but likely never see it fully.

5. It is scripturally obvious that the plan of God is never man dependent.

6. God through His perfect righteousness always must bring His will and plan
to pass; only His righteousness may prevail.

7. The servant(s) of God are privileged to see God’s righteousness in action in
and through their life as they obey and follow after God.

8. The plan of God is never threatened, although the servant of God often is.

9. Surely, God desires His people see how trustworthy He is and how 
complete is not only His understanding but His control in the affairs of men.

10. Should a servant arise to that great confident place where his heart 
understands the absolute infallible heart of God, the servant still will need
        for God to be the source and strength for his life or he will fail and fall.

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