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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Freedom God Must Have Philippians 2: 13

click to Read the passage: Philippians 2  (a new browser window will open)

Dealing with Lordship:

1. Only God is to be at work in you.
(For it is God who worketh in you ;)
not self- not the world
don’t listen to self’s arguments

2. God is to be in control in your life.
(God who worketh in you)
We can often tell who is in control by who is making the decisions.
We are not to initiate or determine direction on our own.
God will allow you to be in control and take His hands off-- this is carnality.
Ex. in control of a car

3. God has a purpose for you, a will.
(both to will)

4. God provides a pattern to follow.
( both to will and to do)
What is God up to; tie yourself to Him, agree with Him, pursue Him.

5. God looks for a willing vessel.
(both to will and to do)
not a perfect vessel.

6. God desires to take pleasure through you.
(and to do of His good pleasure)

7. God will complete His work.
(both to will and to do of His good pleasure,)
God is not leaving chapters in our life message incomplete.

What pleases God is His will, His purpose, His pleasure.
If we are following man’s will, God’s will is not being pursued.
His will and His pleasure for me is not necessarily the same as His will and His 
pleasure for another, as to particulars. Overall His will is that I be conformed to
The making of comparisons is not wise. I need seek what His will and pleasure is
for me.
If we are following God, we can trust the events and circumstances in our life
(even tests  and trials) as being according to God’s will and good pleasure.

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