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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Satisfied Psalm 34: 10

click to Read the passage: Psalms 34  (a new browser window will open)

(The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord 
shall not want any good thing.)

1. Satisfaction requires a seeking of God.
young lions haven't learned yet how to hunt.

2. There is an abundant supply to the seeker.

3. The needs of the heart are satisfied by God’s feeding.

4. The works of uncertainty are settled by God’s provision of truth.

5. During the midst of trial and while waiting on God’s release, yet there is
satisfaction and comfort from God’s provision.

6. The appearance of want is because of man’s definition, not God’s.
God’s supply is untaxed. His resources are abundant.

7. The difference in time between petition and physical manifestation is not
a time of want but a time of abundant supply.
God just fills in our seeming want with other abundant goodness.  PTL!

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