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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

God's Release Acts 12: 7-12, 17

click to Read the passage: Acts 12  (a new browser window will open)

v.7 1. When God releases you, you are free.
(  And his chains fell off from his hands.)

v.8,9 2. When God releases you, you will not be without His immediate guidance.
(And the angel said unto him, Gird thyself, and bind on thy sandals. And so
he did. And he saith unto him , Cast thy garment about thee, and follow 
(And he went out, and followed him; and wist not that it was true which was 
done by the angel; but thought he saw a vision.)

v.10 3. When God releases you, the obstacles are overcome.
(When they were past the first and the second ward, they came)

v.10 4. When God releases you, doors are sprung open by God.
(the came unto the iron gate that leadeth unto the city; which opened to
them of his own accord: and they went out and passed on through one 
street; and forthwith the angel departed from him.)

v.11 5. When God releases you, it is an irrefutable work of God.
(And when Peter was come to himself, he said, Now I know of a surety, 
that the Lord hath sent his angel, and hath delivered me out of the hand of
Herod, and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews.)

v.12 6. When God releases you, prayer and His word have been fulfilled.
(And when he had considered the thing, he came to the house of Mary the
mother of John, whose surname was Mark; where many were gathered 
together praying.)

v.17 7. When God releases you, the testimony will be to His honor and glory.
(And he said, God shew these things unto James, and to the brethren. And
he departed, and went into another place.)

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