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Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Kind of Heart God Desires Psalms 51: 17

click to Read the passage: Psalms 51  (a new browser window will open)

(The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit:  a broken and a contrite heart, O God,
thou wilt not despise.)

Transformation of the heart.

1. A heart transformed and kept (the action of keeping) for Godly gain.
Hearts claimed by God’s spirit.
The way to keep from sinning is to never start.
The way to be pure is to have no impurity.
i.e.    flee lust, not conquer lust.
We are trying to conquer problems we should have fled from.

2. A heart that is unsatisfied with anything less than the truth of scripture.
The issue always is what God says.
Get direction from God’s word.  Anything less will produce wrong conduct.

3. A heart that is unsatisfied with unconformed portions of the believer’s life to
2 Corinthians 3: 18

4. A heart that willingly seeks to have those nonconforming areas identified and
Test- Does it bother  me for nonconforming areas to be identified?
If so, I’m not as pliable as God wants.
A closed ear will not permit the hearing of God’s reproof, thus, that life is not 
It is necessary to hear the reproof for the correction to take place.

5. A heart that allows the same spirit who reveals nonconformity to reveal Christ’s
conformity--yielded to Jesus.
Allows the same spirit that exposes our sin to reveal Christ to us.    
Continually committed.
It is not enough to know you don’t conform, you need to know how to conform.

6. A heart that finds its approval in the spirit; it doesn’t look to the flesh for
                approval; the avenue of seeing, hearing, (the physical senses) are cut off.
Approval is gained from the spirit of the Lord.
The believer’s spirit is the initiator of his response, not his flesh.

7. A heart continually focused on the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ.
His example in living, giving, teaching, loving, forgiving, understanding, 
generosity, ….
Learn His example.
Where do we direct out ministry? What kind of heart are we going to show God 
A person asks how can I live such a life.?
Answer-   Only through the power and strength of Christ.

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