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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

At Thy Word Luke 5: 5

click to Read the passage: Luke 5  (a new browser window will open)

(Nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.)

1. The counsel of truth that is to precede the action of the believer is the word
of God.

2. The sufficient authority required to support the believer’s action is the word
of God.

3. The most important measure for the obedience of the believer- has God
said?; what has God said?
4. The life given for the believer’s faith and trusting is the word of God.

5. Freedom to respond is given; the believer is free to obey the word.
Christ is giving hope to the believer as well.
The reward of the word follows and awaits often obedience to the word.

6. The evidence of a believer’s trust is not first the manifestation but first the believing.
(I will let down the net.)

7. All of a believer’s life on earth is to be tied precisely to the direction and
counsel of the word of God.
Even the ministry of the Holy Spirit is tied to the word of God.  
John 16: 13, 14.  This is a test of the work of the Holy Spirit.
This is the protection from the fear of subjectivism. The work of the Holy
Spirit is objective because of the word of God.

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