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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Jesus, God's Choice Hebrews 1: 2, 3

click to Read the passage: Hebrews 1  (a new browser window will open)

V 2 1 ) JESUS, God's inclusive revelation. (everything).
 (spoken unto us by His Son)
Every  thing God has to say to man He says through His Son. (John 1: 1)God has spoken. 
God continues to speak. 
Everything God has to say to a believer He is going to say through Ch r i s t. 
There is no heavenly revelation  apart from Jesus. 
Anything we want to know about spiritual truth; anytime we need spiritual truth, we must
go to Jesus. Jesus is the Father's Son--the one who speaks to the heart.

V 2 2.) JESUS, God's inclusive heir. (everything)
(whom He hath appointed heir of all things)
Jesus is the heir of all the Father has. Believers are joint heirs with Christ. Rom. 8: 16 - 17
Child of God--what do you need? Jesus has everything!

V 2 3) JESUS, God's inclusive companion. (everything)
(by whom also He made the worlds)
Ever in touch with the Father.Included in all the works of the Father. An included part in
all the Father's plans. Inseparable from the Father's expressions. The substance of the
ages. Bed rock, but more deeper still.

V 3 4) JESUS, God's inclusive expression. (everything)
 (Who, being the brightness of His glory)
Jesus is how God expresses Himself. The brightness of His presence can not be ignored--
may be rejected . 
A believer should have no trouble finding such a bright and guiding light. He is the bright
and morning star. The light of heaven and of earth--the light of the world.

V 3 5 ) JESUS  God's inclusive likeness. (everything)
(and the express image of His person)
He perfectly mirrors the Father. They are one. John 10: 30.
Also Ch. 8, 10, 17. We see the Father through the Son.
Absolute likeness, perfect match.

V 3 6) JESUS, God's inclusive grasp. (everything)
(upholding all things ... )
As the Father wills so the Son keeps. By Him all things consist. Col. 1: 17 
Believers are secure in Christ. John 17: 11, 12. 
The Father holds all things in control, through His Son.

V 3 7) JESUS, God's inclusive power. (everything)
(by the word of His power)
The power of heaven transcends (higher than, greater than, excels, ) all other power. 
That is the power of Christ. All the power the Father has is vested in the Son. 
That is why if we ask anything in His Name, that will He do, that the Father may be 
glorified in the Son. John 14:13. 
Spiritual truth is upheld by His power.
God will uphold the truth and true works of His Son.
Matthew 28: 18, all power rests in Jesus.

V 3 8 ) JESUS, God's inclusive sacrifice. (all sins covered)
 (by Himself purged our sins)
No other needed. He alone satisfied the Father's justness. No other sufficient.

V 3 9 ) JESUS, God's incIusive labor.  (everything done)
(sat down)
His work completed. His Will given in His Word. 
Jesus has no more to do to bring His word to pass--no more to do to bring salvation.
His labor is complete.
Believers are complete in Him. Col. 2:10.
Jesus doesn't have to do anymore for a believer to have his needs met and to 
experience the fulness of Christ.

v3 10) JESUS, God's inclusive choice. (out of everything)
(on the right hand of the Majesty on high)
Heb. 1 :4-13;   Col. 1 :19
No greater honor could be bestowed than to share in the Father's glory at His right
How pleased should a believer be at the Father's choice!

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