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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

God's Truth III Numbers 23: 19

click to Read the passage: Numbers 23  (a new browser window will open)

Otherwise, without it:

1. A believer would be vulnerable to deception- his own and others'.
(lie; ...repent ...)

2. A believer could have no victory over sin.
(neither the son of man,)

3. A believer could never have assurance of being right.

4. A believer's hope would never be upheld.
(hath He said, ...)

5. A believer's life would be volatile.
(and shall He not do it? ...)

6. A believer's faith would be removed.
(and shall he not make it good?)

v.20 7. A believer would be without God's blessing.
(Behold, I have received commandment to bless:  and He hath blessed; ...)

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