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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Privileged Asking Luke 11: 9

Read the passage Luke 11

(And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; 
knock, and it shall be opened unto you.)

1. If a believer shall ask much of a friend, what of asking Jesus?
see v. 5

2. If a believer will trust a friend at a late hour and prevail upon him, what of
asking Jesus?
see v. 5

3. If a believer has boldness with a friend, what of asking Jesus?
see v. 5

4. If a believer will inconvenience a friend for another friend, why should he
not be willing to ask Jesus in time of trial?
see v. 6

5. If a believer has no shame nor consideration for the one asked to serve,
is Jesus offended by such manner?
see v. 7
Gr. importunity Strong's Concordance (335)  from without shame. Recklessness, audacity,
shamelessness, insolence. Recklessness or disregard of consideration by 
the one making the request.)

6. Should a believer automatically stop asking because of a denial? What of
asking Jesus? Could God be testing his faith? 
see v. 8

7. Is not God making the believer aware of his privilege of asking?
(And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; …)

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