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Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Power in the Message Mark 8 30-32

Read the passage Mark 8

The cross was yet to come. 

vs.30 1) There is no message without the cross. 
(And He charged them that they should tell no man of Him.) 

vs.3l 2) The message is wrought through suffering. 
(And He began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things,) 

vs.3l 3) The message is wrought through rejection, even the religious crowd. 
(and be rejected by the elders ••• ) 

vs.3l 4) The message is wrought through persecution. 
( ... and be killed) 

vs.3l 5) The message is revealed through God's power. 
(and after 3 days rise again) 

vs.3l 6) The message is revealed through victory, there is no defeat. (and after 3 days rise again) 
I Corin. 15: 55 

vs.32 7) There is no message without Jesus being Lord. 
(And Peter took Him, and began to rebuke Him.) (He rebuked Peter, ••• ) 

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