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Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Many Things-! John 16 12

(I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.)
This should give new definition to our priorities. Don’t become discouraged by this statement from the Lord, but be challenged to know those things the Lord is willing to reveal.

What enables a believer to bear more? Lay aside weights ...; loins girt with truth .... Seek to know.

1.There is so much more of Jesus to know.

2.There is so much more of God's ways to know.

3.There is so much more a believer needs to know of that which is to come before his daily walk.

4.There is so much more a believer needs to know of that which is yet to come prophetically.

Some petitions:

5.Thus, the need for the Holy Spirit's witness, revealing, teaching. Some specifics to hear about.

6.Thus, the need for the Holy Spirit's protection.

7.Thus, the need for the Holy Spirit's preserving.

8.Thus, the need for the believer's yielding, hearing, humbling of heart. 
Be scripture influenced, not circumstance driven.

9.Thus, the need for the believer's growing.
Obviously, Jesus is not deterred. Had Jesus not taught them adequately? Obviously yes He did.

10.Thus the need for the believer's abiding (staying before). 

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