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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

He is Risen Matthew 28: 5-7

click to Read the passage: Matthew 28  (a new browser window will open)

vs. 5 1) Those who seek Jesus are rewarded for their search. 

vs. 5 2) Those who seek Jesus find the crucifixion was but an unfinished story. 

vs. 6 3) Those who seek Jesus must look beyond the confining circumstances of man. 
(he is not here) 

vs. 6 4) Those who seek Jesus must look for Him among the living. 
(he is risen) 

vs. 6 5) Those who seek Jesus know He is a keeper of His word. 
as He said)

vs. 7 6) Those who seek Jesus find confirmation of their faith. 
(come, see the place where the Lord lay) 

7) Those who seek Jesus seek His unfinished work for their own lives. 
(and go quickly, and tell his disciples ••• ) 
faith to be perfected ; spiritual works to be carried out; promises to be believed; visions to hope for. 

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