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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Specific Need Today for God's Power Acts 16: 25-34

click to Read the passage: Acts 16  (a new browser window will open)

v.25 1. It will require our getting our focus off of ourselves.
(Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God;)
off of our rights, our priorities, our conveniences

v.25 2. It will require beseeching God.
(prayed and sang praises unto God;)

3. Without God’s power the church is bound up.
v.24- feet fast in stocks

v.26 4. When God’s power is present, there is no human explanation.
(and suddenly there was a great earthquake.)

v.27- 5. When God’s power is present, God’s work follows.
(and the keeper of the prison, …)

v.29 6. When God’s power is present, human hearts are humbled.
(The he called for a light; …and came trembling)
men yield up their pride.

v.29 7. When God’s power is present, man’s arguments subside.
(Sirs, what must I do to be saved?)

v.29 8. When God’s power is present, men know there is a God.
(Sirs, what must I do to be saved?)

v.29 9. When God’s power is present, there is no hiding of your sin.
(to be saved)

v.33, 10. When God’s power is present, life becomes real.
  34 (…believing in God with all his house.)

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