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Saturday, March 24, 2018

In the Cross, what we learn about Jesus john 17, 18, 19

Jesus’ Care:
John 17:
Jesus is deeply committed to His own.
v. 6 given the Father’s Name
v.8 given the Fathers’ s word
v.9 given the security of heaven’s prayer
v. 10 made a possessor of heaven.
v. 11 given the security of the Father’s Name v.13 kept by Jesus
v 15 commitment of Christ in presence of evil v. 17 set apart, maintained by Jesus’ word
v 18 sent to minister
v 21, 22 united to; in Christ
v 26 greatly, deeply loved

(all of this preparatory to the cross; preparation for any and all challenges which would be forthcoming to a follower and all followers of Christ.)

Jesus’ will:
His will unhindered:
By betrayal 18: 1-9
By weakness of the faith of His followers 18: 10-18
By false teachings and accompanying false accusations 18: 19-27 

By hypocrisy and injustice
By the upbraiding of prideful men 18: 28-37
By man’s sentencing of death 18: 38-40
By man’s mockery 19: 1-

Jesus’ heart:
His deep loyalty to His Father John 17
His great strength against the summation and totality of evil- the cross
His great wisdom, not understood by men- before the Jews and Pilate Ch. 18, 19 

His great capacity to endure man’s hypocrisy and deep wounding 19: 16
His identity with humanity, yet His irrevocable commitment to save. 19: 18
His great power of truth that will be fulfilled. 19: 24
His encompassing compassion 19: 25-27
His keeping of all promises, the fulfiller to the letter 19: 28, 30, 35
Enduring every shame, all bitterness, all hatred of men, anger vileness, ...

Jesus’ Distinctiveness
Man’s laws cannot contain righteousness, only the righteous one can. 19: 7
Death is man’s threat, eternal life is God’s gift. 19: 16
The pride of man has no eternal reach. 19: 4
Government reluctantly acknowledges religion 19: 12 to avoid having to recognize Christ. 

Men falsely believe a King is installed by men. 19: 15
All world religions challenge the deity of Christ and only lie and deceive about sin; yet man’s sin cannot be refuted nor atoned for by any other than Jesus.
Only Jesus makes provision for eternity.
The cross reveals the great hypocrisy of man’s unbelief.

The devil hates the cross, as do all who follow after him. 
The cross is such a strong defense to the child of God. 

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