to Read the passage: 2 Chronicles 26 (a new browser window will open)
1. Knowing you cannot do without Him.
(And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, according to all that
his father Amaziah did.)
(And he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the
visions of God: and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper.)
The believer must have the Lord’s presence.
Can you do without the Lord? Of course not, we would say! But, does our
life bear witness to our profession?
How do we then live?
The teaching of the world is to deny Christ, to live apart from Christ, to ignore
Christ’s teachings.
The devil deceives believers so that they try to live without depending on Christ.
They generally don’t out and out deny Christ, not verbally, but …
Surely the contrasting picture is to do nothing apart from Christ.
Most assuredly the admonition of scripture is that to attempt anything without
Christ is to gain nothing. (John 15: 5)
It is so easy for a believer to tritely lay claim to scripture as a purported evidence
of commitment and dependency.
But, do we then live, knowing we cannot live without Him. We cannot draw
breath without Him. Jesus is our very life. (John 6: 63) The words that I speak
unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
If anyone else were to describe our life would they say we live just like everyone
else? or would they say we live in constant dependency on the Lord Jesus
Do we have the kind of relationship with the Lord in which we only seek Him
when we think we need Him, as in trouble or impossible circumstances?
We desperately need Jesus all the time.
We cannot live without Him!
2. With an obedient spirit.
This is necessary to grow, won’t grow without it.j
(he did that which was right)
We are not seeking the Lord if we are not obedient to Him.
We are only seeking human gain or contentment.
We are only seeking something from God, but not seeking God.
We are picking what pleases us, not what pleases God. This is the violation of
scripture. Phil. 2: 13)
A believer who seeks the Lord will seek to do right.
A constant assessment of such a believer’s walk will be- Lord am I doing right?
Such a believer does not walk according to presumption but according to faith.
His life is constantly open for God’s examination to be sure his steps are right.
Make decisions based upon what is righteous).
The steps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord. Psalms 37: 23
Obedience is a believer’s opportunity--rightly responding to God’s direction.
Obedience is God’s desire for a believer.
We are not seeking the Lord if we neglect or disregard God’s teachings or let
God’s instruction lay idle.
Seeking the Lord requires an obedient spirit.
An obedient spirit precedes the opportunity for obedience.
3. With a pure heart.
(in the sight of the Lord)
Seeking the Lord means guarding our heart from any defilements. (impurities)
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. (Matt. 5: 8)
We need to see God, to hear God, to know Him.
A pure heart has to be kept pure. At salvation our heart is cleansed and made
We must keep our heart pure by resting in God’s word and resisting evil
influences and temptations.
We need to be conscious that everything we do as Christians is in the sight of
God, before God. God sees all.
God knows our heart and knows if it is pure.
God cannot take pleasure in defilement. God takes no pleasure in sin.
To willfully sin and prevail upon God’s goodness and forgiveness is an abuse of
doctrine and is inconsistent with the teachings of scripture. Heb. 10: 26-31
God hates sin. God has redeemed a believer from the dominion of sin.
Believer, walk in God’s freedom. Believe His word.
You are in the sight of God. Are you living with a God consciousness that you
and all you do are in God’s sight?
Are you seeking God’s approval?
4. Diligently, earnestly, longingly and patiently.
To seek the Lord requires faith, it requires doing something, making a
It requires continuity and consistency.
We must spend time. It has to be important to us, important enough that we will spend the time to seek and find God.
God doesn’t just simply make us into a finished product, although we are created
in His image. We must apply our faith to learn His way, to experience victory
over satan’s deceit and attacks.
We must put forth a labor-works of faith (James). It doesn’t automatically or
accidentally happen. We must live the word.
Quit praying Lord make me … Surrender your heart to God, obey His word and you will be conformed to Christ.
Prayer abuse--quit praying for God’s obedience, pray for man’s.
Seek the Lord earnestly, as though you must find Him, find His answer. There is
no alternative to Him, to finding His will.
Don’t stop short of finding Him.
Seek Him longingly. Long to know Him. Long for His fellowship. Long for His
Count His presence very dear and precious, for it is.
Seek Him patiently. God has a reason for tarrying when He tarries. We need
Patience is not only needed as we wait upon God, but we need patience for
ourselves as we require time for conformity. Many times we become impatient
with out own understanding, our own walk, our own standing. We want things
quickly and don’t want to walk by faith, but want to jump. We don’t learn that
way. The lessons are in the walk.
Seek Him! It is a divine labor, pursue it with great care and great diligence.
5. Without doubting or arguing.
Stay on track with the Lord.
God is headed somewhere---in your life, in this particular experience.
Stay with the Lord, keep seeking His solution.
When you doubt, satan is attempting to destroy truth or to deceive your
understanding to get you to question God’s leaders or God’s leadership.
Continue in what God has taught. Continue in His word. (2 Tim. 3: 14)
View God’s order. See how God’s will is fitting together. Recount God’s
leadership. Don’t discard past teachings. Stay before the Lord, continue seeking Him.
Don’t argue with God’s choices or whom God chooses to use to reveal truth.
God is going to work in the lives of His children. Don’t doubt His work. Don’t let unbelief hinder your spiritual achievement. Doubt undermines faith. Truth is
certain. Faith in revealed truth leads to certain steps. As God leads in our life, His leadership is certain, and right.
Don’t keep questioning God’s leadership (make sure it is). Follow the Lord. Seek Him.
Doubting is not seeking. (Heb. 11: 6).
6. Unceasingly.
(as long as …)
Constantly we are to seek the Lord.
An interruption in seeking will cause an interruption is prospering.
Look for the Lord in everything.
Jesus is omnipresent, is omniscient.
God can communicate to His children through so many ways, people and things.
Look for His communication. Listen for His voice.
Don’t ever quit seeking the Lord.
We need God’s solution in every situation.
We need God’s guiding presence continually in our lives.
We need God’s constant nurture and fellowship.
We need God’s peace and unity.
We need God’s strength and deliverance.
We need God’s wisdom.
Constantly we need the Lord.
We must so abide that His solution is only a prayer away.
7. On His terms.
Seek the Lord where He is. Seek His word, it belongs to Him. Seek after the
Lord, follow Him.
(Jer. 29: 13) And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me
with all your heart.
Find the Lord with your heart, not your hand, your eyes, your mind.
God is not obligated to meet our terms.
“God knows my heart, he will just have to accept me the way I am” is a human statement heard sometimes.
So many believers do not discover God or His ways because they expect God to accommodate their terms.
God is the one to be sought. He is a person not a thing or object. We are not
seeking a solution, we are seeking God. (Matt. 6: 33). We are not to seek to be
bailed out of a problem that we got ourselves into, but are to seek Him.
As we seek Him, we will be led to repentance and restoration from which will
come deliverance, that is His terms.
God’s terms are based upon truth. God’s terms may be uniquely granted for our experiences in life, but they will be His terms and will be an expression of His
truth, divinely given.
Agree with the Lord, accept His terms, learn His terms.
Seek the Lord according to His divine invitation. God will lead in a plain path.
Don’t ask the Lord to alter His terms. He cannot change His word.
God will always be found when you seek Him on His terms.
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