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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

God's Personal Message Genesis 37: 5-10

click to Read the passage: Genesis 37  (a new browser window will open)

vs.5  I) There are times when God speaks to His children in a personal way. 
(And Joseph dreamed a dream.)

vs.5  2) God's message may involve others, but He probably should be the one 
to tell them. 
(And he told it to his brethren:) 

vs.8  3) Others are not as likely to understand or appreciate our personal word from the Lord. 
(and his brethren said to him, ... ) 

vs.8  4) God's purpose in revealing to us His will is not to provoke those we love and have a responsibility toward. 
(and they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words.) 

vs.9 5) Further clarity from God is to follow the same path of communication. 
(and he dreamed yet another dream,) 
Perhaps he should have kept quiet at this point. 

vs.9  6) God's personal declaration is never to be used to promote superiority. 
( ••. behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.) 

vs.10  7) God is the keeper of His Word; He really doesn't need our help--only our submission and obedience. 
(and he told it to his father ••• ) 

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