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Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Comfort of God's Instruction Matthew 2: 13-15

click to Read the passage: Matthew 2 (a new browser window will open)

V 13 1) God knows everything that is to happen, and is in control.

V 13 2) God cares greatly for His own plan and His own  carrying out His plan.

V 13 3) God gives precise instruction to protect His work and His workers.
( ••• Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt)

V 13 4) God's children gain contentment and protection from obeying God's instruction and waiting on further instruction.
( ••• Arise ••• ; and be thou there till I  bring thee word;)
To not wait on God is to lose His protection.

V 13 5) God may choose to reveal to His children the purpose of their waiting in Him.
(for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him).

V 14 6) To go from a place preferred by man to a place appointed by God is to gain the comfort of God's presence.
To be where man wants without the protection of obedience and God's manifested presence is great loss.

V 15 7) God is bound to see that His word comes to pass.

If believers desire to have a fruitful, successful life to enjoy God's blessings, simply abide in His word doing only as His word instructs, all that His word instructs because God brings His word to pass and will likewise honor the one submitting to His word.

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