Read the passage Genesis 26
1. The standard set in God's word is for marriage to be within the family of God, one wife
for life.
(And Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the
Hittite, and …) see Genesis 24: 3, 4 two wives
2. The violation of God's standard illustrates the lack of conviction for God's truth.
3. The assertion of human will is a testy prevailing upon the mercy of God.
4 Harmony with God's authority is to be sought after and protected in the selection of a mate.
(Which were a grief of mind unto Isaac and to Rebekah.)
5. Deviation from God's way is sure to bring heartache.
(Which were a grief of mind unto Isaac and Rebekah.)
6. The justification upon which a marriage relationship is based will be one the married
couple will have to live with, the rest of their lives.
7 To have God's addition of Godliness is the needed blessing upon every marriage.