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Saturday, April 14, 2018

Heritage Affixed Numbers 34 19-29

Read the passage: Numbers 34

1. All of God's chosen will have an inheritance.
There are none of God's chosen excluded from His inheritance.

2. All of God's chosen are recorded as God's chosen.

3. The basis of participation is that God's name be affixed.

4. The basis for participation of God's chosen is relationship, not merit.

5. The unbalanced condition between the merit of God's children and the justness of God is filled with grace and mercy.
It may require more grace and mercy for one of God's children as opposed to another, but all are brought into balance with the Father's standard of righteousness through grace and mercy.

6. Being born into the family of God assures your heavenly inheritance.

7. The heavenly inheritance of God's chosen is secure from the enemy's attempts to steal and destroy. 

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