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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Christ's Teachings-Christ's Authority Luke 20: 1-8

click to Read the passage: Luke 20  (a new browser window will open)

v.2 1. Jesus knows the deceived start off in a trap.
(And spake unto Him, saying, Tell us, by what authority doest thou these
things? or who is he that gave thee this authority?)

v.2 2. Jesus’ authority is never threatened.

v.2 3. Jesus has clear authority from His Father.

v.3 4. Authority is inherent in all of God’s truth.
(And He answered and said unto them, I will also ask you one thing: and answer me;)

v.3 5. Authority is not really the sinner’s question, but Jesus and truth are.
v.5 6. The authority of heaven is without condemnation.
(And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From 
heaven; He will say, Why then believed ye him not?)

v.8 7. Jesus never has to defend the authority of truth.
(And Jesus said unto them, Neither tell I you by what authority I do these

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