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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Heaven's Bounty Mark 8: 5-9

click to Read the passage: Mark 8  (a new browser window will open)

V 5, 7 1) Heaven acknowledges the greatness of man's need. 
( ... How many loaves have ye? And they said, Seven) (and they had a few small fish;)

v 6 2) Heaven makes preparation to bestow its miracle of grace. 
(and He commanded the people to set down on the ground:) 
Heaven is prepared with the provision for men's needs. 

V 6 3) Heaven magnifies earth's limited resources. 
(and He took the seven loaves, and gave thanks,)

v 6 4) Faith is the distribution channel of heaven's bounty. 
(and gave to His disciples to set before them;) 
physically there was lack.
Spiritually there was no lack.

V 7 5) Thanksgiving acknowledges the expanse of heaven's bounty. 
(and He blessed) 

v 8 6) Blessed partaking of heaven's bounty is the extension of heaven's love and mercy. 
(so they did eat, and were filled:) 

v 9 7) Bestowal of heaven's bounty causes no diminishing of its greatness, but rather reveals 
its greatness. 
(and they that had eaten were about four thousand, ... ) 

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