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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Expendable Resources Mark 14: 3-9

click to Read the passage: Mark 14  (a new browser window will open)

v.3 1. Some people store up resources, others expend them for God’s glory.
(very precious;) (and she broke the box, and poured the ointment on His 
glory through giving not through personal usage or usage on self

v.4 2. Some people see ministry as a waste, others see ministering as a privilege
bestowing honor.
(…why was this waste of the ointment made?)

v.5 3. Some people place a higher value on earthly treasures than on heavenly
(…sold for more than three hundred denarii, …)

v.5,6 4. Some people do not want to be responsible stewards of spiritual resources 
and are upset with those who do.
(and they murmured against her.) (Why trouble ye her?)

v.7,8 5. Some people represent to have a worthy spiritual motive, which is
unsupported, while others are engaged in a genuine work of faith.
(for ye have the poor with you always, … but me ye have not always)
(she hath done what she could; …)

v.7 6. Some people see resources as expendible for their own gain, others see
resources as an expression of love in the Kingdom’s work.
(but me ye have not always)

v.8 7. Some people see resources as having only present value, others see their
eternal value.
(…to anoint my body for the burial.)
(wherever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this
also that she hath done shall be spoken of, for a memorial of her.)

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