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Saturday, July 9, 2016

In Pursuit of God's Will Genesis 24: 14-51

click to Read the passage: Genesis 24  (a new browser window will open)

v.14- 1. Allow God to  lead.
   24 …(Rebekah…)

v.31 2. Allow God to  open the door.
(And he said, Come in, thou blessed of the Lord; wherefore standest thou
without? for I have prepared the house, and room for the camels.)
It may be better than the servant thinks it will be.

v.33 3. Make God’s mission the priority.
(And there was set meat before him to eat: but he said, I will not eat, until
I have told mine errand. And he said, Speak on.)

v.40 4. Continue in what God previously said.
(And he said unto me, The Lord, before whom I walk, will send his angel
 with thee, and  prosper thy way: and thou shalt take a wife for my son of 
 my kindred, and of my father’s house:)

v.42- 5. Allow God’s testimony to mark out its course.
   44 (And I came this day unto the well, and said, O Lord God of my master
Abraham, if now thou do prosper my way which I go:)
(Behold, I stand by the well of water; and it shall come to pass, that when
the virgin cometh forth to draw water, and I say to her, Give me, I pray
thee, a little water of thy pitcher to drink;)
(And she say to me, Both drink thou, and I will also draw for thy camels, 
let the same be the woman whom the Lord hath appointed out for my 
master’s son.)

v.45 6. Present God’s appearing solution for validation
(And before I had done speaking in mine heart, behold, Rebekah came 
 forth with her pitcher on her shoulder; and she went down unto the well,
 and drew water: and I said unto her, Let me drink, I pray thee.)

v.50, 7. God will clearly validate His will.
51 (Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, The thing proceedeth from 
the Lord; we cannot speak unto thee bad or good.)
(Behold, Rebekah is before thee, take her and go, and let her be thy 
master’s son’s wife, as the Lord hath spoken.)

God’s will brings harmony, not division; to the household of faith.

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