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Saturday, July 30, 2016

A Believer is Fully Protected 1 Peter 5: 8, 9

click to Read the passage: 1 Peter 5  (a new browser window will open)

v.8 1. A believer is totally secure in Christ.
(your adversary the devil,)

v.8 2. A believer who fears God will not fear the devil.
(as a roaring lion,)

v.8 3. A believer who walks with God will not be a victim of the enemy's entrapment
 of deception.
(walketh about...)

v.8 4. A believer whose focus is upon Christ will continuously have his life 
strengthened and protected.
(seeking whom he may devour:)

v.9 5. A believer who entrusts his life to truth will have a covering of God's promises.
(Whom resist steadfast in the faith,)

v.9 6. A believer who exercises his faith in Christ will be shielded from the enemy.
(Whom resist steadfast in the faith,)    Eph.. 6:  16

v.9 7. A believer is fully protected by the truth in ministry, on God's mission.
(knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in
 the world.)

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