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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

When Temptation Leaps Out at You Judges 14: 6-9

click to Read the passage: Judges 14  (a new browser window will open)

v.6 1. Rely upon God’s spirit.
(and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him, …)
Samson didn’t.

v.6 2. Overcome the temptation immediately.
(and he tore him as he would have torn a kid.)

v.7 3. Remove yourself from any desires of the flesh.
(and he went down, and talked with the woman;)

v.8 4. Be alert to temptation’s reappearance in subtle form.
(And after a time…behold, there was a swarm of bees and honey in the carcass
of the lion.)

v.8 5. Remember temptation is deceptive, no matter the appearance.
(bees and honey)

v.9 6. Temptation is to be resisted wherever and whenever it appears.
(and he took thereof in his hands, …)

7. To fail to resist temptation is to be caught in its snare.
Know that temptation’s sting is dreadful.

The enemy does not always leap out at us. We would be more alerted.
The way of the enemy is subtle erosion of commitment. i.e.:
worldliness in the church
moral compromise
appealing to fleshly desires
Little by little there is an erosion until the bank caves in and a mudslide results.
Temptation in whatever form is to be resisted.

It is the power of God unto salvation.  It is the power of God that is required to live
We as believers are so dependent upon the Lord.
He is life itself. We cannot live spiritually without Christ.

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