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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Disloyalty of a Divided Heart Judges 14: 16, 17

click to Read the passage: Judges 14  (a new browser window will open)

v.16 1. May be manipulated.
(And Samson’s wife wept before him, and said, Thou dost but hate me, and
lovest me not: )

v.16 2. Uses the appeal of emotion or reason to a man’s natural side of life, not a
spiritual influence.
(And Samson’s wife wept before him, and said, Thou dost but hate me, and
lovest me not: )

v.16 3. Accuses of disloyalty to the one appealing.
(thou hast put forth a riddle unto the children of my people, and hast not told
it me.)

v.16 4. Has divided loyalty, really is loyal to the closest ally.
(the children of my people,)
In this case the unrighteous.

v.16 5. Has no regard for privileged relationships, nor values their honor.
( And he said unto her, Behold, I have not told it my father nor my mother,
and shall I tell it thee?)

v.17 6. Uses pressure to obtain the desired outcome.
(And she wept before him the seven days, while their feast lasted: and it
came to pass on the seventh day, that he told her, because she lay sore 
upon him:)

v.17 7. Quickly betrays the one supposedly loyal to.
( and she told the riddle to the children of her people.)

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