Read the passage 2 Chronicles 36
results from:
v.14 1. Following after other nations.
(…transgressed very much after all the abomination of the nations)
idolatrous 2 Kings 17: 7-
v.14 2 Polluting God’s house.
(polluted the house of the Lord …) in worship, in the priesthood.
v.16 3. Mocking the messengers of God.
(but they mocked the messengers of God)
2 Kings 17: 13, 14
v.16 4. Despising God’s word.
(and despised His words)
breaking their covenant with god.
Assyria-2 Kings 17: 15 and they rejected His statutes, and His covenant :
2 Kings 18: 12 because they obeyed not the voice of the Lord their God, but
transgressed His covenant. …
2 Kings 17: 13 loved evil more than truth
v16 5. Misusing His prophets.
(and misused His prophets0 2 Chron. 24: 20, 21
v.16 6. Provoking God’s wrath.
(until the wrath of the Lord arose against His people)
2 Kings 17: 17
v.16 7. Leaving God’s standards unsatisfied.
17-21 (till there was no remedy)