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Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Gift of Jesus John 18 37-19 10

Read the passage: John 18
Read the passage: John 19

These are pictures to us.

In Christ, so many blessings:

1. Free from confusion, our heart is freed by truth. Truth has set us free.
(18: 37,38 …Pilate saith unto him, What is truth?)
The world debates over truth.

2. Having greater determinate rule over us than the In God’s hand, not man's.
incompetent summations of men.  Eph. 1: 20
(18 39,40 But ye have a custom, …)
man is irresponsible;  appeals to what is right
the result with no truth

3. Knowing the heart of Christ is far greater than the Our life, His life.
container of evil so clearly exposed in men. His life, our life.
(19: 1, 4 …scourged, crown of thorns… Hail, …)

4. Covering, forgiving the vile, bitter, consumptive We are pardoned, forgiven.
hatred in the sinner’s heart.
(19: 5,6 Crucify Him, …)
as a believer 1 John 2: 16
7,8 how horrid is the hart of the sinner,
irresponsible, reprehensible

5. Free from man’s controlling conclusions. Jesus  is all powerful, for us.
(19:10 Speakest thou not unto me? Knowest thou
not that I have power to crucify thee,)
Revelation 1: 5, 6
To the enemy(ies) it is about control.

6. Unbridled by man’s prejudicial beliefs about our In Christ, that is our value.
(19: 10 and have power to release thee?)
man’s view- we are always below the human controller-
i.e. politicians view; liberals view

7. Life free from man’s temporal formative influences. Life given from above.
(19: 11 thou couldest have no power at all against me,
except it were give thee from above:)

Hebrews 1: 2,3 Isaiah 61: 10; Eph. 2: 6, 7; 1 Peter 1: 3, 4

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