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Saturday, January 27, 2018

The One to Listen to Revelation 3 7, 8vs.7 1) He has no compromise. (He that is holy) vs.7 2) All He says is right. (He that is true) vs.? 3) He has all authority. (He that hath the key of David,) the key to the treasure house vs.7 4) He includes and excludes. (He that hath the key of David,) vs.7 5) What He does, no one changes. (He that openeth, and no man shutteth,) vs.7 6) What He halts, cannot go on. (and shutteth, and no man openeth.) vs.8 7) The one who knows all and rewards accordingly. (I know thy works; ... )

Read the passage: Revelation 3

vs.7 1) He has no compromise. 
(He that is holy)

vs.7 2) All He says is right. 
(He that is true)

vs.? 3) He has all authority.
(He that hath the key of David,) 

the key to the treasure house

vs.7 4) He includes and excludes. 
(He that hath the key of David,)

vs.7 5) What He does, no one changes. 
(He that openeth, and no man shutteth,)

vs.7 6) What He halts, cannot go on. 
(and shutteth, and no man openeth.)

vs.8 7) The one who knows all and rewards accordingly. 
(I know thy works; ... ) 

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