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Saturday, December 9, 2017

Secure in God's Hand Genesis 39-50

click to Read the passage: Genesis 39  (a new browser window will open)

God allows two types of trials: 
(1) Those God allows to come into our life to built our faith, 
(2) Those that are the result of our omission of God's instruction or transgression against God. 

39, 40  (Potiphar’s house and prison)
1) God allows tenured testing to build our life. 
It has a season.

2) The presence of struggles doesn’t mean God is not present.
We wil see His presence at work.

3) God's attentiveness is continually present, as is His accompaniment. 
in Potiphar's house, in prison , in Pharaoh's court 

40:8 40:16 
4) God's desire is to enlarge our spiritual borders--of insight, of love, of understanding; of commitment. 

41: 39 (Pharoah’s acknowledgement)
5) Wisdom is a jewel of great price often produced through struggles and challenges of faith.

45:5-8 (God sent me)
6) God's purpose is the only one to stand. 

7)  Godly heritage awaits those willing to abide before God. 

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