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Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Invitation Mark 8: 34, 35

click to Read the passage: Mark 8  (a new browser window will open)

v.34 1. to walk with Jesus. 
(Whosoever will cane after me,) 

v.34 2. to not have to depend upon yourself. 
(let him deny himself) 

v.34 3. to have a mission. 
(and take up his cross) 

v34. 4. to identify with Christ. 
(His cross) 
v. 35 (for my sake)

v.34 5. to not have to chart your own course. 
(and follow me) 

v.35 6. to lose your life to and in Christ.
(but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.) 

v.35 7. to gain His life both now and forever. 
(the same shall save it.) 

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