to Read the passage: Proverbs 3 (a new browser window will open)
Spiritually and physically
v.5 1. Eliminate the pressure of self reliance.
(Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and)
Recognize who you are and what you may do comes from God.
The I can do it; I will do it statements; I will show you.
Identify evidences of stubbornness, strong self will, cockiness, lust, low view of
sin, offenses, independence from the Lord, following pride.
v.5 2. Eliminate the consequence of so many human errors.
(and lean not unto thine own understanding.)
God’s word is sure, His ways are right. Don’t embrace trial and error.
Stop. Ask yourself where this action leads. What is the result?
v.6 3. Eliminate the pressure of questioning decisions made.
(In all thy way acknowledge Him, and)
Rely upon God’s wisdom.
Counter attacks- fear, procrastination, not having prayed and sought God’s
direction first, weak devotional life, not confessing sin.
v.6 4. Eliminate the consequence of human power controlling.
(and He shall direct thy paths.)
antecdote- humility- soft heart-tenderness; fruit of self control, fruit of
gentleness; fruit of goodness,--seek for, ask for.
v.7 5. Eliminate the imitation of fleshly wisdom.
(Be not wise in thine own eyes, fear)
anecdote- scripture, scripture, scripture.
Abhor pride and anger.
Evidences- talk of what you do, can do, your views, me, my, I—This is not
a servant’s role.
v.7 6. Eliminate placing man above God, including yourself.
(fear the Lord,)
Don’t trust in another man.
Evidence- idols of possessions, things, popularity,
v.7 7. Eliminate contact with evil.
(and depart from evil.)
It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones. v.8
navel- like a baby receives all its nurture and immunity through the navel.
Abuses in these areas cause sickness.
Abhor evil; avoid appearance of evil.
Avoid covetousness. Avoid attractions of curiosity.