1) The ways of Christ are much higher than the ways of man, than the understanding of a
( ... the Son of man must suffer many things, ... ) '
O Lord I know that the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. Jeremiah 10: 23; Proverb 16: 9 man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.
We must get beyond our ways to know God’s ways.
Jesus goes through so much to reconcile a believer to God’s will.
The desires of Christ for His children so far exceed the knowledge of the believer.
How much does our pathway to repentance take Jesus through?
V 32 2) Christ reveals His ways to His children to expand their understanding and to draw them to His plan.
(and He spoke that saying openly)
God wants His children to know His ways. God wants to prepare us for the pathway of the cross. v. 34, 38
Are we a storehouse treasure or an expendable resource for Christ?
Continually Christ is revealing Himself to us and His plan to us though life circumstances.
V 32 3) The afflictions of Christ are difficult for Christ's followers to accept.
(and Peter took Him,)
We don’t like afflictions. Give me the good times and the bounteous gifts, but I’ll pass on the affliction.
Psalms 34: 19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous …
Ps. 119 67,71; 119: 75 ; 2 Timothy 3: 11, 12 (to be lowered, humbled); 2 Corin. 8: 2;
Psalms 140: 12; Psalms 66: 10
V 32 4) The mercies of Christ are to Christ's followers sometimes seen as unreasonable and unfair.
(and began to rebuke Him)
How could Christ be merciful to such rejection. Matt. 5:7 Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.
It seems that wrong doers get by with their wrong. Never, but the pure faithful testimony of love, patience and mercy is given to the wrongdoer.
Can we love the wrongdoer-the one who hurts us and rejects us?
V 32 5) Followers of Christ are tempted to give favor to their own desires and understanding.
(and began to rebuke Him)
Believers many times refuse to accept humility and meekness- think it is weak.
Humility always strengthens authority, never weakens. Pride weakens the exercise of spiritual authority.
We are tempted to display human strength,
There was/is no greater honor on earth than the honor of the cross..
We are to take it up . v. 34
v33 6) Christ gives greater preference to His calling than to His followers ideals.
(but when He had turned about and looked on his disciples)
Jesus loves His followers v. 35 His followers follow Him.
If His followers do not follow, Jesus is faithful to His calling. 2 Tim. 2: 13, If we believe not yet He abideth faithful; he cannot deny Himself.
Disciples may be idealistic, but Jesus' standard is perfection.
Disciples may be fair but Jesus’ standard is justness.
Disciples may be convinced, but Jesus’ standard is unchangeableness.
Disciples may be sincere, but Jesus’ standard is Holiness and reverence.
V 33 7) Christ does not yield ground to incomplete understanding.
(He rebuked Peter
Peter’s understanding was manly; Christ’s was divine.
Christ cannot yield to our incomplete understanding.
That is why we must mature in understanding.
We only frustrate ourselves while we hold onto wrong understanding.
Christ will not yield.
v.33 8) Christ refuses to yield to any temptation.
(…Get thee behind me, satan;)
O if we could have such forthrightness, to reject the enemy’s lies.
Any idea or influence contrary to the will of God will be rejected by Christ.
A man may be tempted by the devil and yield to his lie or confusion, but Jesus never will.
Jesus recognizes the deceit of the devil for what it is.
v33 9) Christ is committed to the will of the Father.
(for thou savorest not the things that be of God,)
By this instruction we should sow these things.
Jesus taught us the will of the Father. He is the father’s will.
Oh, Christian friend savor the things of God, ponder the path of your feet, be slow to speak and quick to hear, be quiet in spirit. Meditate on God’s word.
10) Christ rejects all things that would hinder HIS work, His obedience to His Father.
Again we are not to savor the things that be of man, but the things that be of God.
The things of men do not conform to truth.
They do not contribute to a righteous walk. They are not of faith.
They do not gain heaven’s blessing. Thus, Jesus must reject all such things.
We are to labor for the food that endureth unto everlasting life. (John 6: 27) , which the Son of Man shall give unto you, not that which perisheth.