Progression of wickedness (in the midst of God's people)
1.Degradation begins when leaders follow the wrong way.
(walked in the way of the Kings of Israel)
To purpose to follow the wrong way is to establish a path of future degradation. It is a terrible lapse to be insensitive to sin and evil. It is an abomination to deliberately plan to
follow the wrong way without care or concern about the outcome.
Man involves himself unrestrained in the pleasure of his own ways and delights.
America, a christian nation, has leaders who are following the wrong way.
2. The wrong way is a way of the heathen, not of Godliness.
(abominations of nations - heathen)
Certainly God does not want his people to follow after the abominations and ways of the heathen.
This is totally and absolutely contrary to the plan of God. It likewise, today is contrary to the plan of God for a christian nation to go the way of the heathen.
There is no Godliness there, only abominations to God.
God cannot honor such a choice. Only judgment may follow.
3. The way of the heathen is specifically forbidden, thus it is a way chosen apart from entering ignorantly.
God specifically forbid his children to sacrifice their children to false gods. (Lev 18: 21)
God hates such abomination Deut l2: 31)
God’s people had to deliberately disobey God's instruction.
This abomination was not committed by accident but by deliberate choice.
What a terrible thing to kill an innocent child.
But even more terrible will be facing the certain judgment of God.
4. The way of the heathen is a way God removed.
Thus to reestablish the way of the heathen is to defile God's ways. (whom the Lord cast out from before the children of Israel)
God removed the heathen people who did abomination so as to allow for a right relationship of future worship to be possible for His children.
God never intended for the way of the heathen to be an acceptable way.
In today's modern world there is the influence of the godless heathen nations.
God does not want His people to follow the influence of heathens.
5. The way of the heathen is an abomination to God.
God cannot take pleasure in abomination. God hates the way of abomination. (Jer 44:4) That which God hates shall be destroyed. That is why God drove out the heathen from before His people.
He couldn't tolerate their ways.
God will literally drive away the way of the heathen in the last days for the same reason.
The heathen cannot please God. (Prov 15:8,9, 26: 21. 27)
6. The way of the heathen is a way of moral degeneracy.
The Cannanite morality was so bad God exterminated them.
(Lev. 18:24 note) (Ps lO6: 37,38)
Things get worse and worse. The abominations of man lead to a moral degeneracy. The seeds are in a society which tolerates heathenism for such degeneracy to exist.
Previous examples exist in scripture - Noah's day and Sodom and Gomorrah.
The seeds exist today and if there is not a spiritual check by God's people, moral degradation will continue.
7. If the way of abomination is not removed, then God removes those who follow that way.
If man persists in his abominations then man will cease to exist.
God brings judgment. Psalms 106: 39-42)
If the way of abomination is removed God will forgive. (Jer 4: 1)
(Ps 106: 43-45)
There is however, a final point of judgment that unrepentant abominators (lost man) cannot pass. Rev. 21:27)
Such abominators cannot enter heaven.
Lest we should feel in America like we do not participate in the abominations listed in scripture because we are too sophisticated to make a son pass through the fire, we need consider the issue of abortion.
Abortion is murder. Abortion is the willful action of man and or woman whereby they destroy an innocent life. The innocent exercises no defense but is helpless. Such conduct to accommodate the sinful desire of the flesh is an abomination to God.