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Saturday, February 14, 2015

His Love, Our Example 1 John 4: 17, 18

click to Read the passage: I John 4  (a new browser window will open)

(Because as He is: so are we in this world.)

All He is He is in us. We can love because of His love living in us.

v17 1) Because of the generosity of God's love, we are endowed to love.
(Herein is our love made perfect,)

2) Because of the acceptance of God's love, we are secure in love.
(that we may have boldness in the day of judgment)

3) Because of the choice of God's love, we can choose to love.
(because as He is; so are we in this world.)

4) Because of the completeness of God's love, we can love thoroughly.

5) Because' of the forgiveness in God's love, we can forgive others.

6) Because of the truth in God's love, we can rejoice in truth.

v18 7) Because of the protection in God's love, we can be free.
(There is no fear in love, …) 

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