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Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Truth Behind Contentment 1 Timothy 6: 7, 8

click to Read the passage: I Timothy 6  (a new browser window will open)

v.7 1. What we have we didn’t bring with us.
(For we brought nothing into this world,)

v.7 2. What we have has been provided.
(For we brought nothing into this world,)

v.7 3. What we have is only temporal.
(and it is certain we can carry nothing out.)
Temporal things in and of themselves only bring temporal value.
Temporal things cannot satisfy the Spirit. The Spirit longs for God.
Spiritual value comes from the Lord.
God can make something temporal special and give it spiritual meaning.

V 74. Because we cannot take what we have with us, we must not control it.
(and it is certain we can carry nothing out.)

v.7,8 5. Because we are not our own provider we can be content with anything we have as stewards.

V 8 6. Because our needs are subject to God’ determination, we can be content with God’s provision.
(And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.)
i.e. all of life’s basic needs in principle.

v.8 7. Contentment is our choice we make or deny.
(let us be therewith content.)

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