Read the passage: James 4
Salvation provides total freedom from the bondage of sin. God protects a
believer’s position in Christ. Thus, the enemy seeks to deny the believer’s
enjoying and partaking of the freedom Christ provides.
God has provided protection for a believer’s partaking in Christ.
v.6 1. Through humility.
(God giveth grace to the humble)
This is humility which recognizes God and comes to Christ in faith.
Humility allows the believer to rely and depend upon God’s strength.
v.7 2. Through submission of yourself to God.
(Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.)
As a result of humility there is a willing submission (a personal responsibility) to
A submission to God’s Son.
A submission to God’s word.
A submission to God, the Holy Spirit.
The real test of submission- Is it to Christ?
Seeking all of Jesus and all Jesus has for me (fully with heart mind and soul)
Abiding in His word, learning His word, obeying His word, being filled with the
Holy Spirit;
Allowing the Holy Spirit free course in my life, cooperating with the Holy Spirit,
yielding (giving up) my will.
Having right relationship, having humility, leads to submission.
Humility = total dependence upon God, none of self influencing.
Submission= agreement with God, His will, His way, his word.
Then resistance works.
Christ in you, thus, the devil is resisted.
v.7 3. Through resistance of the devil.
No resistance of God.
Knowing the word of truth.
Holding on to the word of truth.
Because of the Son (through His blood) (in His authority)
Through the power of the Holy Spirit
Note the flow or forward direction of God’s counsel.
v.8 4. Through approaching God.
(draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you.)
God is approachable, is accessible.
Get close to God, as close as possible.
Seek to know God; make yourself available to God.
Through Jesus a believer can be drawn near to God. (Hebrews 7: 19)
God rewards faith (draw near to God) with His faithfulness. (He will draw near
unto you)
v.8 5. Through cleansing.
(cleanse your hands, ye sinners)
a cleansing of sinner’s hands- from the defilement of sin
invoking 1 John 1: 9 sinners enter the sanctuary of God. Psalms 77: 13
That which a believer works with needs to be cleansed (cleanse your hands)
clear conscience 1 Timothy 1: 19
v.8 6. Through a pure heart.
(and purify your hearts, ye double minded.)
cleanse your heart
A believer needs to be sure his heart is pure; otherwise his hands (that which a
believer does- his conduct) will be defiled again.
secret motives- James 1: 14,15
Jeremiah 17: 10
Psalms 139: 23, 24
v.9, 7. Through willingness to accept what God brings or allows which results in
10 humility- keeping the cycle open.
(Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep; let your laughter be turned to mourning, and
your joy to heaviness.) This certainly doesn’t characterize our day.
(Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.)
Thus, it repeats itself- submission-resistance-approaching God-cleansing hands-
pure heart- accepting what God brings or allows-humility.
There is liberty because God who brings to or allows trials to come to our life is
greater than those trials. His grace is sufficient.
Because of our willingness to cooperate with the work of God, we remain humble
and usable according to that which brings God pleasure.
Note emphasis on verbs- what we must do. Versus 7-10.