From Joseph’s Life-Overcoming Love
Genesis 37-50
45: 4,5 1) Love overcomes a multitude of sins.
2 )Love is very generous in its forgiveness.
3) Love cannot be suppressed.
4) No matter the size of the offenses or the tenure or their existence, love is greater than that.
5) Love is of God and has God’s understanding.
6) Love cannot hide itself.
45:5,6 7) Love is a cooperator with God’s plan.
45:7,8 8) Love is a gift God always has awaiting.
9)Love is a gift that has much following it and accompanying it.
45:9- 10) Love is a great healer, a great restorer.
45:18 11) Love has evidence of its generosity.
45:19 12) Love is very inclusive, includes all.
45: 29 13) Love can restore hope; love can be revived.
46: 30 14) Love is very fulfilling.
47:6, 15) God is the author, the appropriator of love; love has God’s reach.
16) Love is the fertile soil in which God’s people are to increase.
48: 3,4 17) Love is essential to the expansion and fulfillment of God’s plan for His people.
48: 4 18) Love is a generational foundation for building upon.
48:9 19) The blessing of love is the greatest blessing to be given, for it has inherent goodness
and plentiful measure.
48:11 20) Love is very personally fulfilling.
48: 21 21) Love is filled with bright hope for the tomorrows of life.
49 22) Love’s reach extends beyond man’s weaknesses and impairments; its hope and life
comes from the giver of love, Jesus Christ.
50 23) Love cannot die, it has God’s life.
50: 15 24) Love first refutes all fear and then removes all fear.
25) Love is a pattern set before the believer and generations to follow after.
26) Love is fellowship with God.
27) Love is the testimony that the believer understands God’s heart.
28) Love is the great heritage left behind when one goes to be with Jesus.
How did Joseph learn to love? Did he have it here:
37: 3 1) when he was revered by his father? It is true love must be received before it can be
37: 5 2) when he was rejected? Where love should be present, often it is absent. Hatred is love in
37: 24 3) when he was mistreated? Hatred appears when love is absent and is capable of great
punitive conduct.
37: 27 4) When he is victimized by opportunity seekers? Love cannot come forth from those with
self benefiting intent.
5) In any of his many besetting trials? Those who intend to deceive or are lost in them
selves cannot manifest love.
6) Those most in need of love cannot qualify themselves to receive God’s great love.
7) In all the world there is a great vacuum of God’s love, that is it is absent in the
hearts of ones in the world.
Perhaps the process of learning:
39: 2 1) The love of God is a great sustaining comfort in time of trial, a testimony of His favor.
39: 3 2) Love is an evidenciary manifestation that God is with you.
39:11- 3) Love is present when trials ensue; it is a great strengthener and encourager..
39: 20- 4) There is no time nor place where love is not needed; God may be teaching through a
place where the need is very great.
5) Love grows out of relationships and events that are oppositional yet have but one
solution, that being the need for God’s love.
40 6) Service without loving kindness leaves doors closed rather than open.
40 7) Loving service is like a tool that pries doors open.
40 8) Loving service makes the toil tolerable and meaningful as well as favorable and
41 9) Love is a virtue built strong on the back of adversity and challenge, preparatory for
the greater opportunities God will bring to the servant of the Lord.
41 10) Love of God enables service with meaningful commitment and substance of faith.
(famine hasn’t happened yet; Joseph’s great opportunity still is before him.)
41:16 11) Love will always be loyal to its source, further , it will not hide the source, the love of God.
41:33 12) Love recognizes the God given opportunity in life events. Its kindness promotes
correct responses in others who do not understand love.
41: 57 13) Love is not abusive of its power, its influence.
41:54 14)God’s love is the sustainment to the servant of God in the times of trial and testing.
45:5 15) Love is constantly available, but recognizes there are particular special applications strategic in God’s overall plan.
45:18 16) Love is most understood, most recognized, most blessed within the family of God.
48: 3 17) Love is the story of God appearing to men.
48: 4 18) Love is God’s fruitful field in which the principles of harvest are readily seen.
(multiplication, fruit that remains, inspiration, spiritual life, tenured commitment, etc.)
48: 19 19) Love is the confidence in spiritual achievement.
48: 15- 20) Love is of increasing, never decreasing, in proportion.
50 21) Love completes its journey. (never faileth)