Three kinds of guilt.
1. never been saved and freed from guilt.
2. Unbelief of a believer and sinful practice will cause guilt.
3. Believer’s failure to receive forgiveness.
vs.15 1) Its presence leads to false conclusions in relationships with others.
(Joseph will perhaps hate us,)
Guilt comes when a sinner attempts to clear himself of wrong doing or denies (suppresses) the conscience of wrongdoing.
Guilt comes from an unclear conscience.
Guilt continues because conflicts have not been made right with God.
Confession of sin and the resultant cleansing (1 John 1: 9) allows truth again to rule in a heart. The lack of such confession means the life is out of fellowship. It thus does not line up with expressions of truth (doesn’t fit) thus, is unable to respond properly to those
walking in truth.
vs.15 2) Its presence hinders the fellowship of love
(Joseph will perhaps hate us,)
Guilt, not cleansed, will cause a believer to question even God’s love.
A guilty heart tempers or questions the expression of true love.
A guilty heart looks for motives.
God desires a believer enjoy fully God's gift of love.
vs.1S 3) Its presence excludes mercy and grace.
(and will certainly require us all the evil which we did unto him.)
There is no reason for guilt to continue.
God has provided for its ending.
The cross says I’m not guilty when I have trusted Jesus as my Savior.
The ongoing work of the cross continues to bring to my life the message of not guilty.
The works of the flesh, however, have no liberty. To the extent a believer walks in the flesh, he will not feel free.
Joseph’s brothers didn’t understand mercy and grace.
Where mercy and grace are rejected, guilt remains.
Hell will be full of guilty, condemned sinners; having no hope of being forgiven.
Forever shall they bear their guilt and shame.
vs.16,17 4) Its presence motivates false claims of reconciliation. (Thy father did command before he died, saying, … )
Guilt cannot be reasoned away or covered up. Sin must be washed away, in the Savior’s blood.
To try to cover it up or explain it away will only serve to reveal its very presence. (as here in Joseph’s brothers)
When a believer compromises the truth in his life and sins against truth, guilt will revisit.
5) Its presence can only be cleared away by God's forgiveness.
When God extends the invitation to a sinner to be set free, that is the pathway of deliverance from guilt.
Sin’s condemnation is gone. Romans 8: 1
Joseph had forgiven his brothers.
6) Its presence requires an acknowledgment before God as sin.
Joseph’s brothers had not acknowledged their sin before God.
1 John 1: 9 We confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive and to cleanse.
So many times a believer (like Joseph’s brethren) just goes on.
But the guilt of sin will return.
7) Its presence is cleared away when forgiveness is received.
Joseph had forgiven them.
Gen 45:5
A believer need understand , then, the fullness of forgiveness.
It is essential to receive Christ’s forgiveness.
Having been forgiven, a believer is free to then so walk.
There is no reason to continue in sin.
If you as a believer have confessed your sin (with Godly sincerity), God’s response is scripturally indicated. You are set free from guilt.
Forsake it clearly.
Rejoice in the liberty of Christ through His generous matchless grace. 1 Thes. 5: 16.
Jesus gives a clear conscience at new birth.
Jesus will restore a clear conscience subsequent to new birth.