v.1 1. The search for security. (let not)
God uses real issues to reveal the need in my life. i.e. Peter and the
Insecurity and waywardness threatens us.
Recount travels of disciples with Christ and the threatening uncertainties.
v.1 2. The need of security. (your heart be troubled.
Troubled hearts, not minds.
The mind doesn’t need to figure things out if the heart is settled.
There are things man doesn’t understand that cause him trouble.
Things he cannot figure out. Things he doesn’t like.
The disciples had problems they didn’t anticipate, and felt unprepared for.
They didn’t ask for them probably didn’t want to go through them. Yet
that was God’s way.
Our problems may not be God initiated but are still an opportunity to
discover God through.
v.1 3. The lack of security. (be troubled)
tar’as/so of uncertainty, to stir or agitate
tar-akh-ay- disturbance, sedition (of a mob) sedition- the stirring up of
discontent, resistance or rebellion against government in power, ie.
Roil- angry, irritable
Water roiling- to make cloudy, muddy unsettled by stirring up the
sediment (something already there just settled to the bottom.)
Every man has a solution- his solution.
v.1 4. The security of faith. (ye believe in God)
Our only source of security is our faith in God.
Our primary instruction- believe in God.
Our priority of action- believe in God.
Anytime we put our belief in any other place we will be discouraged and
The hardest challenge to men often is to keep their hands off of God’s
church. (the use of such means as calculation, manipulation, plans of men,
Maneuvers, in contrast with v. 2 praying, yielding, believing.
v.1 5. The security in faith. (believe also in me.)
Jesus is the substance of our faith.
Jesus is the settling one in unsettled times and circumstances.
The focus must be on Jesus.
v.2 6. The security of Jesus’ possession.
(in my Father’s house are many mansions.)
Our security comes from the Father’s possessions.
Insecurity comes when we worry about our possessions.
We try to protect our possessions.
We try to protect our reputation.
Cutting your hand off may not solve the problem. Matt. 6: 2
v.2 7. The security of His expression.
(if it were not so, I would have told you.)
God will tell us what we need to know.
We worry about what we think is true or untrue and judge motives.
Hear God’s report. Quit listening to man’s report and prompting man’s
Our security comes from what God says.
Don’t cooperate with the devil, and his false accusations.
v.2 8. The security of His work. II go to prepare)
God’ work shall remain; man’s work shall fall and crumble; that is why
we worry.
God is at work! Allow Him to work!
Don’t interfere. Human influence is an interference with Godly work.
v.2 9. The security of His design. (a place for you.
It fits.
God has a place of fit for you, for us together.
He fitly joins the body together. Ephesians 4: 16.
We worry because we don’t see God’s design.
We see with undivine and eyes.
v.3 10. The security of His assurance.
(and If I go and prepare a place for you). No questions if He will go.
God is in control. God is concerned. God is aware.
God is preparing a place. God is doing what He must do.
God has not turned away. We hve turned away- turned inward.
v.3 11. The security of His word. (I will come again.)
God keeps His word. His word keeps us. His truth shall prevail.
We are secure in Jesus. Focus on truth, not contrary circumstances.
v.3 12. The security of His presence. (and receive you unto myself.)
Belong to Jesus. Focus on belonging to Him- make sure all of you and all
you possess belongs to Him.
If there is anything that doesn’t belong to Jesus, yield it to Him or give it
up as appropriate.
v.3 13. The security of His fellowship. (that where I am there ye may be also.)
Be where Jesus is. Jesus fellowship alone, only, is satisfying.
Look for Jesus.
Go where He is dong His work.
Stay away from the action of the flesh.
v.4 14. The security of His counsel.
(and where I go ye know,)
Hear God. Do as He says.
Insecurity comes when we hear and receive wrong counsel.
v.4,5 15. The security of His guiding hand.
(and the way ye know, Thomas said, Lord we know not …)
The necessity of obedience. Jesus had shown them the way.
Psalms 32: 8. Guide with mine eye.
Look at Jesus’ eye- look for approval, for reproof, for joy, for grief, fo
peace …
v.6 16. The security of His authority.
(Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life; …but by me.
When you are doing His way, it will work.
When you hold on to truth, you are secure.
When you have His life, you are living.
Trouble always springs up when we follow or assert man’s authority;
don’t do it.
v.6 17. The security of the Father’s acceptance.
(no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Jesus is our way of gaining acceptance.
Only as we please Jesus is the Father pleased.
Only as we obey Jesus is the Father glorified.
We need this security!
2 Corin. 5: 9 We labor that we may be accepted of Him.